Initially, I could not really figure out what to write about. In class we have been talking a lot about creativity in terms of a process and, to me, it had seemed as if the creative process was impeding my ability to truly be creative and stopped me from having a Eureka! moment. I am slowly realizing that is not the case. I find myself thinking more than usual and investigating things that I normally would not have looked at.
Take for instance the following advertisement. It is for a Japanese/Korean audience and it reflects the struggle that I feel daily.
What is so powerful about this ad is its ability to convey our inner demons. We all struggle with being different and, as a result, seek uniformity because it is safer. The little boy, however, is just trying to express himself and the world is going crazy around him. That is extremely powerful because it is often not the world that threatens creativity, but rather the individual. This little boy did not fear being individual, even though he is part of a collectivist society, and though everyone else seemed to fear for him, he only felt accomplished. Then, all of a sudden, out of the madness, everyone sees this little boy's genius and they have that ah-ha moment! This ad is very memorable and relate-able because it reflects what millions of people experience internally every day - the fear to be yourself. Thus, I realize the importance of the creative process and the importance of taking risks. What would have happened if Michelangelo never took risks, or George Washington, or Einstein? Honestly, I do not really want to visualize a world like that. Without risks, there would certainly be far less creativity in the world and it would be a more dismal place. There is my Eureka!
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