When you examine the history of what a champion is you come up with a lot of things. In Arthurian times a champion was the King's number one solider who fought for him and protected him. Today, a champion can be a person who wins a contest. A person could champion a cause to make a difference. Or, a national champion is a large company that dominates a particular field. In all, the word champion can mean many things, but saying the word elicits a particular feeling - influential.
We were asked to think of three champions in our lives who really supported our creativity. I was able to think of a lot of people who really supported me and encouraged me, but my thoughts kept going back to the same person. My 11th grade English teacher.
From the start, I had always been interested in writing, but I didn't really understand my talent until he began to teach me. He encouraged me, challenged me, and allowed me to make mistakes without judging me. He opened the door to innovative and creative learning and some of my most unusual work is from my 11th grade creative writing class (remember the poem that this blog is based on).
I don't want to talk too much about how this man influenced me, but rather that he DID influence me. People are important resources in your lives and you should hold on to anyone who makes you feel creative. On Sunday, I, as the assignment suggested, wrote a letter to this teacher thanking him. I emailed it to him, hoping that he still taught at the same school. Today, he wrote me back. Just communicating with him made me remember all that I had learned and made me feel better. I felt like I could do/write anything and I have not felt that way in a long time.
Long story short, a person is a large influence in your life and you should seek out people who will support you. Because without them, you can truly lose yourself in society's chasm of forgotten dreams.
Please go to the link below and watch the clip. I can't get it directly on the blog because it is not on YouTube. It really reinforces how people can help you express yourself.
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