Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Remember Who You Are

If there are any other Disney fanatics out there you will instantly understand where this saying comes from. For those of you who never spent your day daydreaming about what Disney character you would be when you finally got your fantasy dream job, it is from the Lion King. I often find that a lot of the ideas that I hold true come from Disney movies. I feel that the films carry a sense of truth and provide real solutions to problems (as naive as that may be). For instance, 'remember who you are rings true to every thing I do in life:' working on papers, traveling, and even future job applications: I will remember, and never sacrifice my true self. I try to hold on to my past so that I never forget where I came from as I tread on into the future.

Along with this idea, I saw graffiti today that really made me think about remembering who we are as people.

This graffiti seemed interesting to me because it is true, most people don't know anything about other people. Take advertising companies for example. A lot of times they try to reach out to an audience and completely miss because they misunderstand who we are. If they remember that, then there would be a lot less friction. Some ads that stick out in my mind are the Geico caveman commercials. When I see them I couldn't care less about Geico. The company fails to address the issues that some people may face as consumers, such as what benefits can I really get by switching to Geico (other than saving 15%). Sure, the ad is funny and I could easily recall that caveman = Geico, but that is not an association that I personally want to make. I think companies need to focus more on remembering who they are and what they do so that consumers can do the same in return. 

A few hours after posting this blog I saw a commercial that compelled me to add to the blog. It really hit on the whole idea of remember who you are. It is so powerful because it is human. Ads should strive to be more 'human' and really reflect the most important parts of life.

If we all remember our place in "the great circle of life" I think that we would all be better off.

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